Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week ending Sunday, 2/12/2012

Had a good ride on Thursday at Del Cerro, with Charlie, Israel and Susan making it out.  Sure beats riding solo at night!  Great to get in 90 minutes and 2,500 feet of climbing after work.

This week I finally went and got a General Practitioner and did the full physical.  Dr. Kissel was a really nice guy and besides an uncomfortable exam or two, things went well.  Still need to find out about my blood work though.

Also took Yoga on Thursday with Jodene, got a massage and adjustment on Friday (Roberta and Dr. Kim), then took yoga again on Saturday, a level 1 class at Harmony with Simone.  Was definitely more of a beginner class, but Simone was a good instructor and we did a good amount of flexibility work, just what I needed!

On Sunday, my training partner Susan wanted to do a good 5 hour ride.  After discussing various options, we decided to do a combination of Sullivan Canyon and Will Rogers Backbone.  I figured mixing in Hectic, Sullivan Ridge and Eagle Rock should get us close.  Turned out to be only 4.5 hours, but it was good steady climbing and I kept my pace very moderate, which felt good.  35 miles and 5,800ft of climbing was still a good training ride.  Backbone was still somewhat overgrown, but better than it had been.  A ton of people were out on the trails though.  It always amazes me to see the little kids and dogs on the Hectic trail.

The Spearfish was creaking pretty good when I applied any decent amount of torque on the pedals.  I think it's my rear qr skewer.  We'll see.  Also confirmed the Monarch rear shock loses pressure after rides.  Was 105 at the start, and 80 when I finished. Will have to see what my friends at The Path have to say.

My back continues to improve, but is still not anywhere near 100%.  Just have to keep at it.  Yoga 1-2x/week, stretching daily, massage and chiro, swimming and acupuncture.  Hope to step up to a third ride during the week sometime soon.  We'll see.

This week we should find out about Leadville!

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