Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week Ending Sunday, 3/18

With a storm forecast for the weekend, Susan and I had to adjust our training plans.  We had a big ride scheduled for Sunday which we moved to Friday.  Therefore, we also skipped Thursday night.

No massage or chiro this week, but I did 2 yoga classes, continued to do my own stretching, and got in the pool on Thursday.

Tuesday night was a good ride.  Rode a couple of laps with Israel, and a few on my own.  Was interesting with daylight savings to actually see the trail with sunlight.  Rockier up top than I thought, and looser in the turns than I thought going down Ishibashi.  I think I rode slower being able to see better!

Friday was another big ride, the last really big one before Vision Quest.  Susan, Israel and I wanted to do at least 6 hours, so we opted to do Blackstar Motorway, plus Maple Springs to the peak, with the possibility of heading across to MW again if we needed more saddle time.

We parked at Maple, so we could refill water half way through if needed.  The ride over to Blackstar was a bit chilly at 45 degrees, but I layered up and was fine.  Heading up BS, I was focused on my pacing, using this as a gauge for VQ.  I wanted to ride a good pace, but avoid intensity spikes that would cost me later.  I actually made it up to the golf ball in about an hour from the gate, which was great, considering I was trying to keep my pace moderate.  I had the same mindset heading over to the MW, especially trying to keep my intensity down on the steep climbs of the Main Divide.  I made it from the golf ball to the MW in just over an hour, so ride time, without breaks and extra credit, was just over 2 hours from the start area of VQ to the MW.  Pretty happy with that, and felt pretty good.

Headed down the MW and actually lost control a little on the first fast loose section.  Gotta remember to keep that under control.  Still made it down in a new PR, so getting a little better.  Israel was taking a break from the pounding he gets from the hardtail and took this pic of me descending.  He still just about caught me at the bottom.

At the bottom, I had plenty of water in the pack, so at Israel's truck I just filled my water bottle to the top and we started up MS.  Israel and I started up the pavement on a pretty good pace, and I was feeling it.  He fell back a little and I trudged on.  Started to feel that general fatigue again, where the legs felt pretty good, but as a whole, my body started to feel tired.  Nutrition or hydration maybe?  I do think I need to drink more and take in more calories on BS/MW during VQ.  I made it up to the Main Divide in about 1:12 from the lower gate, though I don't know how much extra that is from the bottom of MW.  Israel came up about 5 mins later and we took a few pics of the Salsas: the Spearfish and the Mamasita!

Susan came up a little later and we decided to head up to the peak, then back down MS to the car.  I was pretty tired by this time, and it was a little tough to fight through the rocky section up to the first tower.  Was happy to just keep pace with Israel to the peak, and we got up there in just under 42 mins.

We bombed down MS to the car, where cold beer awaited.  With the extra credit I did at Beek's and just before MW, it was another ride with over 9,000ft of climbing:

Bike notes:  front shifter came loose on MS, and I dropped my chain.  Creaking came back too, still can't figure it out.  The Pushed Monarch felt good, and it looked like I was using the right amount of travel.  The Avid front brake lost pressure coming down MS, but I was planning to install the XTR the next day anyway.  Done with upgrades?  We'll see.  The Spearfish is now down to 25.7lbs. and feels great.

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